In this post we will see how to Upload and read a file in the apex controller through Lightning Component. Though lightning has a file upload component here, sometimes we want to upload files to a third party system or do some other processing rather than attaching it to a Salesforce record. To do that, […]
Tag: LightningComponent
Lightning Component: Show check boxes for a records list and display selected record
Lets take an example to show check boxes for a records list and display selected record in an alert box. To show check boxes for a list view, we will first display dummy data of 5 contacts in our component. Let’s create an apex class to query 5 random contacts for our component: Next we […]
Lightning Experience Configuration Converter
Many of us have faced this issue one time or another: wanting to switch to Salesforce Lightning Experience for its ease of use and multiple other great features but what to do about the existing customization which are quite business critical. These can be visual force or java script buttons which run successfully in classic […]
Lightning Component – How to display Objects and its fields
To display Objects and its fields in a lightning component, follow the simple steps: First of all, create an apex class called “ObjectsFieldsList” which will act as our controller. The “getallobjects” method returns the list of sObjects. The “getAllFields” takes sObject as parameter and returns its fields. Next create a component called as “DisplayObjects” and […]
Lightning Component – How to filter records based on user input
In the last post we saw how to create a lightning component to display records of an object in a tabular form. In this post we will use the same example and see how to filter the records based on user input. We have our custom object Bank and we have displayed the records in […]